Using Gravity Forms in Your Tracker
With Sidetracker, you can easily track Gravity Forms submissions and map form data to customer insights. Follow the steps below to integrate Gravity Forms into your Tracker.
Step 1: Add a mandatory hidden field to your form
For Sidetracker to correctly associate form submissions with user sessions, it needs a way to track the visitor's session ID. This is done by adding a hidden field to your Gravity Form, which allows Sidetracker to capture and map the submitted data to the correct user session.
To set this up, go to Gravity Forms in your WordPress admin panel and open the form you want to track. Add a Hidden Field, and set its default value to hidden_sidetracker_session_id. The Sidetracker client script automatically fills this field with the visitor's session ID when they interact with your form, ensuring that all collected data is linked to the right user.
Step 2: Select Gravity Forms as an Action
When you setup a new Tracker you'll notice in the Select action popup a Gravity Forms button.
When you click this a panel appears with all your gravity forms in a dropdown. Select the form you want to track each submission for and click save.
Step 3: Fetch and Map Form Fields
- After selecting a form, the most logical first step is setting up the Fetch Input Fields event. Once you selected this you'll notice that all form fields are loaded, ready to be mapped.
Read more about how the Fetch Input Field event works in this article.
- Once you successfully mapped and saved teh fetch input fields event, you can proceed setting up the rest of the Tracker.
By setting up Gravity Forms tracking, you can seamlessly collect and leverage customer data for better decision-making. 🚀