How to Connect ActiveCampaign with Sidetracker

Connecting ActiveCampaign with Sidetracker is quick and easy. Follow the steps below to integrate your forms and start tracking user interactions seamlessly.

Step 1: API Credentials

  1. Log in to your ActiveCampaign dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings below in the left menubar.
  3. Navigate to the Developer section.
  4. Here you'll see an URL and a Key.
  5. Copy the URL and Key—you’ll need these in Sidetracker.

Step 2: Connect ActiveCampaign in Sidetracker

  1. Log in to your Sidetracker account.
  2. Navigate to Integrations from the main menu.
  3. Click on New Integration.
  4. Select the ActiveCampaign tile.
  5. A popup will appear asking for the following details:
    • URL → Enter your URL that you copied in the previous step.
    • Key → Paste the key from the previous step.
  6. Click Connect to finalize the integration.

Step 3: Start Tracking

Once connected, you can select New ActiveCampaign Form Contact as an action when setting up a Tracker in Sidetracker. This allows you to match contacts seamlessly.

For more details on setting up Trackers, check out This Article.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact Sidetracker support.

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